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olares install


The olares install command installs Olares on your system. It supports various options to customize the installation process, such as specifying directories, Kubernetes types, or Minikube profiles.

olares-cli olares install [option]


--base-dir-bSets the base directory for Olares.
Defaults to $HOME/.olares.
--help-hDisplays help information.
--kubeSpecifies the Kubernetes type.
Supported types are k3s (default) and k8s.
--profile-pSets the Minikube profile name. Only applicable on macOS.
Defaults to olares-0.
--version-vSpecifies the Olares version.
Version values follow the format x.y.z (e.g., 1.10.0) or include a build date (e.g., 1.10.0-20241109).
Refer to the GitHub Releases page for available versions.